The U.S. Chamber is notorious for blocking climate action and buying off politicians to put corporate profits ahead of people, planet and peace. Now the Chamber is trying to force through the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – a secretive job-killing trade agreement that would give multinational corporate tribunals the power to overrule economic and environmental decisions made democratically at the local level.
Join us on Friday, 4/25 at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington DC – and at its regional and state offices across the country – and put the world’s most powerful corporate lobbyist group on notice that the movement for People, Planet and Peace is ready to stop the TPP and end the Chamber's corrupt grip on our democracy.
3 ways you can participate in the campaign to Shut the Chamber:
If you're in the area join the rally to Shut the Chamber and Stop the TPP at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce building in Washington D.C. on 4/25 beginning at 2pm.
Join or hold an action at the nearest state or regional office of the U.S. Chamber on 4/25 (or sometime later on during the 10 Days of Action). To see if there's already an Earth Day to May Day Chamber action planned near you check the complete calendar of events. For more info on how to organize your own Chamber action click here.
Want to get connected directly with Liberty Tree's Shut the Chamber! campaign and the fight to take on the U.S. Chamber in your community? Email Dave at schwab (at) and put "Shut the Chamber" in the subject line.
Interested in getting involved with the Global Climate Convergence?
For regular updates about Earth Day to May Day 2014 and beyond click here.

To see a full schedule of planned Earth Day to May Day actions (or to register your own- it's not too late!) click here.
Shut the ChamberShut the ChamberShut the Chamber