No More Stolen Elections!

Unite for Voting Rights and Democratic Elections




In  honor of our ten year anniversary we are launching a year-long “10,000 for Democracy” campaign to take the U.S. democracy struggle to the next level. Read on for the campaign's launch statement signed by some of the country's leading democracy advocates

To join this growing group as one of 10,000 for Democracy click here!

A Call for 10,000 for Democracy

Our historic moment is defined by two opposing forces: corporate capitalism and democracy.  We see this struggle in every part of our lives and we recognize the high stakes involved for the future of our society.  

Issues that at first appear as distinct as the climate crisis, the targeting of black and brown communities, student debt, and retirement insecurity are in fact all shaped by one question: Who rules?

While the struggle for democracy is not new to the American experience, it has taken on a renewed sense of urgency over the past three decades.  The forces of corporate capitalism have gained the upper hand and the great majority of Americans are now completely disconnected from the decisions that define their lives.  

A systemic democracy crisis such as this has only one solution: a deep and broad based democracy movement to win power for the people.

For ten years the Liberty Tree Foundation has been advancing the democracy movement by providing vital support to grassroots campaigns for democratic reform including groundbreaking efforts to reclaim the national guard, empower our local governments, democratize higher education, end corporate personhood, and much more.

And the Democracy Conventions that Liberty Tree has organized have united these efforts by bringing together hundreds of organizations from across the United States to plan the next stages of struggle.

It is precisely this kind of purposeful democracy movement building that is so urgently needed, and that’s why we’re inviting you to join us in becoming one among the 10,000 for Democracy.

The benefits of joining 10,000 for Democracy are far reaching:

  • By joining, we personally become part of a national community of people committed to creating real democracy here in the U.S..
  • By joining together to form a core of 10,000 people associated with Liberty Tree, we form a social network that reaches tens of millions.
  • And together, with 10,000 committed to democracy, we can sustainably fund an unusually radical, effective, and independent organization: Liberty Tree.

Our goal here is clear. We must build an unstoppable movement for deep systemic democratic change. To do so we must involve millions of people in efforts to democratize all areas of society, including our workplaces, schools, media, environment, military, political and legal systems. By doing that, we make the democracy movement a meaningful presence in the everyday lives of tens of millions of people.

Be a part of history – make yourself counted as one of 10,000 visionaries who believe that a democratic future is both needed and possible, and who are ready to support the movement that will make it a reality.


Michael Albert
ZCommunications, Telesur English, WISC
Gar Alperovitz
cofounder, The Democracy Collaborative
Elsa Auerbach
Jewish Voice for Peace, Boston
Medea Benjamin
cofounder, CODE PINK
Pabitra Benjamin
field director, Amnesty International USA
Chip Berlet
secretary, Defending Dissent Foundation
Leah Bolger
CDR, USN (Ret), chair, World Beyond War
Laura Bonham
National Leadership Team, Move to Amend
Lee Camp
comedian and host, Redacted Tonight
Noam Chomsky
activist and theorist, professor, MIT
David Cobb
co-founder, Move to Amend
Greg Coleridge
Program on Corporations Law & Democracy
Chuck Collins
Institute for Policy Studies
Ronnie Cummins
director, Organic Consumers Association
Charles Derber
writer and professor, Boston College
Karen Dolan
director, Cities for Progress
Timeka Drew
coordinator, Global Climate Convergence
C. Robert Gibson
Jim Goodman
farmer, activist, writer
Steve Early
journalist, author, and member of News Guild/CWA
Mike Ferner
former president, Veterans for Peace
Bill Fletcher, Jr.
host, The Global African on Telesur-English
Richard Flacks
prof. emeritus, UC Santa Barbara
Thom Hartmann
host, The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann
Claire Hintz
Student Labor Action Coalition
Cheri Honkala
Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign
Steve Horn
investigative journalist
Emily Kawano
U.S. Solidarity Economy Network

Frances Moore Lappé
author, Diet for a Small Planet
Andrew Levine
senior scholar, Institute for Policy Studies
Joseph Lindstrom
national affordable housing advocate
Ben Manski
founder and president, Liberty Tree Foundation
George Martin
former co-chair, United for Peace and Justice
Duncan McFarland
United for Justice with Peace
Liz Mestres
former director, The Brecht Forum
Richard Monje
international vice president, Workers United
Suren Moodliar
coordinator, Encuentro 5
Jessica Franco-Morales
student organizer
Matt Nelson
managing director,
Leland Pan
supervisor, Dane County Board of Supervisors, WI
John E. Peck
executive director, Family Farm Defenders
Asher Platts
Thomas Ponniah
co-editor of “Another World is Possible”
Nancy Price
co-chair, Alliance for Democracy
Virginia Rasmussen
cofounder, POCLAD
Jamala Rogers
author of Ferguson is America: Roots of Rebellion
David Rovics
Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap
national director, Move to Amend
Jill Stein
presidential nominee, 2012, Green Party
Norman Solomon
David Swanson
author and director,
Dennis Trainor, Jr.
host, Acronym TV on Free Speech TV
Sue Udry
executive director, Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Victor Wallis
editor, Socialism and Democracy
Rand Wilson
labor activist, Somerville, MA
Richard D. Wolff
* all signatures are for identification purposes only


Click here to join these initial signers in becoming one of “10,000 for Democracy”!

p.s. Liberty Tree is in its 10th year of radical democracy movement building. Let’s look back 10 years from now and remember that together we were among the 10,000 who made the American democracy movement a force in history.

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